Why I ScribeLife

The Lord of all Creation has made me a teacher, a writer, and a witness to his awesome love and goodness. Every morning when I sit with the Lord, I enjoy things with him that I long to share with the world, in hopes that someone out there wondering about God will be encouraged to seek Him. Please, please do. You will not be disappointed.

I have been enjoying the love and Fatherhood of God since 1979, so I do not write out of the blush of first love, but in the midst of a journey undertaken long ago. I write to share what I know of God personally — and inevitably teach along the way. I don’t know God perfectly, perhaps not even well compared to some, but what I do know of Him is too wonderful to keep to myself. He is good; relentlessly good, and his love is the most satisfying thing in the world.
How have I come to know God? I’ve been brought into a covenant relationship with God through the self-sacrifice of Jesus, his Son. What the world calls salvation is actually a covenant offered, an invitation to be joined with Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a never-ending relationship of love and faithfulness. In this covenant God has given everything to make it possible for me to know him, to be a personal witness of his character, wisdom and power.
My job in this covenant is to be a faithful lover and witness to who this amazing God is, revealing an invisible God to a world who does not have eyes to see Him. This is my glimpse of His Glory. May it always be faithful to Him. Like my brother John, who leaned against the bosom of Jesus at the table, I write these things to make my joy complete, and in hopes that you too will seek the fellowship of the Father and the Son.

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