Free Resources

All resources are PDF format unless otherwise stated, available for use in personal or group study.


  • Submission – The Yielded Heart by Tonia Woolever – Tonia describes the true heart of submission, which is a heart yielded to the Lord and others for the Lord’s sake, imitating the attitude of Christ.

Handouts for Topic Studies

  • My Sheep Listen To My Voice – A list of scriptures about hearing God’s voice. (Also Appendix B in Tonia’s book, The Woman God Designed.)
  • Be Filled With The Holy Spirit – Subtitled, “The Power to Know and Love God, Be Nourished By and Walk With Him.” A list of scriptures about the Lord’s promise, command, purposes and power regarding the baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Also Appendix C in Tonia’s book, The Woman God Designed.)
  • What the Holy Spirit Does With and For You – A list of scriptures describing the purposes and works of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life. (Also Appendix A in Tonia’s book, The Woman God Designed.) The primary purpose for the Father’s gift of His indwelling spirit is to enable the believer to share life with Him: knowing his voice, receiving his counsel, experiencing the love, encouragement and wisdom of the Spirit, enabling us to walk with God in this earth. We can’t do life in Christ without the Spirit.
  • Every Instance of Hesed in the Old Testament – A list of every scripture using hesed, the word used in the Old Testament and in ancient Jewish culture to refer to the unfailing love and commitment pledged in a covenant relationship. Though usually translated as “unfailing love” in the New International Version, hesed is often translated as “lovingkindness,” “mercy” or “kindness” in the KJV, RSV, and NAS. Word usage changes over time and from one culture to another. It is useful to know when this crucial word is being used in Scripture because Christian salvation is the New Covenant of Christ, founded upon the hesed or unfailing love of God. To read each instance of hesed is to learn much about the covenant heart and values of God.

Print Master

  • Keeping Faith — Breaking Faith. A printable PDF chart taken from Tonia’s book, “They Will All Know Me,” in which God’s covenant values for faithfulness are described. God calls upon His people to “keep faith” and exhorts them to not “break faith.” This chart contrasts keeping faith vs. breaking faith.
  • Psalms Daily Devotional Bookmark – We recommend the daily devotional reading of Psalms and Proverbs through a monthly cycle. This bookmark is a handy reference for which Psalms to read on which day of the month. Four bookmarks to print on card stock.

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