Our Hungry Orphans

Zambia Orphans

Some of our orphans in Zambia

I’ve not written here of our Zambian Orphan feeding mission; many of you may not even know that we collect and send money to a church in Zambia every month to feed the street orphans of Chifubu, the “third world” district of Ndola. Several facts prompt me to speak up about it now:

  • Since 2004, we’ve been able to raise and send money to feed 80-100 orphans one hot healthy meal every Saturday. We now have 250 orphans who come for a meal.
  • Occasionally we have succeeded in offering 2 or 3 meals to the orphans a week, especially when some other organizations have helped. However, these have been temporary commitments, and we are back to only being able to feed the orphans once on Saturdays.
  • Donations have trickled to an all-time low while the number of orphans is at an all-time high, and after this month, we will not be able to regularly feed the orphans one meal every Saturday unless new funds begin to come in.

Would you pray about making a donation for our Zambian orphans, or even a monthly commitment?

Donations can be made by credit card sent securely through Paypal sent to tonia@shammah.org. Or you can send a check or money order to Shammah Ministries,1346 Oak Park Drive, Aransas Pass, TX 78336, with the notation “Feed Zambian Orphans.”

PLEASE WATCH OUR 9-MINUTE VIDEO on our website to see a complete description of this project.

Please publicize this need to your home group or local church.  100% of donations are used to feed and provide for these orphans. Thanks for your time and prayers for these needy ones!

Love me, love my orphans….


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