Zambia Orphan Mission

Since 2002, Shammah Ministries sends money every month to feed the orphaned and extremely poor children of Chifubu, Ndola, Zambia. We partner with New Hope Ministry Centre, a local and faithful church.Ndola orphans waiting for food

In 2008 we produced a short 9-minute video about this project: click here.

(Note: the email at the end of the video is no longer valid. You can email us now at

When we began we thought this mission might only be needed a few years. However, the need has only grown, and we are now feeding 125-150 youth three nutritious meals each week.

We accept donations towards this mission via Paypal (no account needed) or personal check. We raise money for this purpose and send it directly to Pastor Mubanga each month. 100% of all donations go for feeding these children. We absorb all administrative costs in order to keep this promise.

If you prefer not to watch a video, the pertinent information is below:

The “Third World” of Ndola

Like many pastors in Ndola, Pastor Christopher Mubanga makes very little salary from New Hope Christian Centre, the church he pastors. Yet he and his wife Mary felt compelled to help the increasing number of orphans and street children in their poor district of Chifubu. Chifubu, Ndola

Though Ndola is is a large city that is home to 1.2 million citizens, the Chifubu district where the Mubangas live and minister is called “the third world” by the rest of the city. This is because it is a shantytown on the outskirts of the city, where the poorest of the poor live.

Pastor Mubanga and his congregation visit families and regularly search the markets for street children, who sleep under tables at night and beg for food during the day. The children also forage for food in the neighborhood garbage dumps. Many of the children have lost one or both parents to malaria or AIDS. Some live with grandparents or other relatives who are too poor themselves to properly feed them.

Poverty forces these children to drop out of school, as school fees are expensive and education is not free. Without an education disadvantaged children often resort to crimes like stealing or prostitution in order to live.

In addition to feeding these children, New Hope gives them schooling so  they can go to secondary school or obtain productive work in a trade and break their cycle of poverty.

They do all this to express the love of Christ, whose love for these children compels them, and opens the door to their hearts to be introduced to Him. These youth are like youth everywhere, at a tender age with malleable hearts, full of potential and hope. We take great pleasure in helping the Lord stoke that hope with His goodness.

New Hope Feeding Centre

This ministry was founded by Bishop Christopher Mubanga and his wife, Rev. Mary Mubanga of Ndola, Zambia and is carried out by the church they pastor, New Hope Christian Centre.

In 2002, major newspapers worldwide reported a catastrophic famine threatening millions in several drought-stricken countries in southern Africa: with Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe the most vulnerable. A UN report also attributes this to the AIDS pandemic, which has killed 7 million farmers. AIDS and malaria cause the orphan population to increase daily. The billions of dollars donated by the U.S.and other countries often do not reach these needy children because they are not in special group camps. The Mubangas and other families at new Hope Christian Centre also take in homeless children to look after them. Feeding the children

We’ve worked with New Hope Ministries for over fifteen years. All the funds we send them go directly to feed and help the children.

Each week volunteers from the New Hope orphans waiting for foodChristian Centre prepare vegetables, beans and a native porridge for the children. Whenever possible they add a little chicken.

The Feeding Jar Program

The Feeding Jar Program is a great if you have children at home. Simply get a clear quart jar, place a picture in it of our wonderful Zambian children (we’ll send it) and put it on your kitchen table. Put the jar in a prominent place and toss your loose change in every day. When it’s full, send us a check for the contents. Feeding jar program

This is an easy way to teach your children about giving and missions. Children get excited about it because they see faces of the children they are helping. To obtain some pictures and implement this jar program at your church, send us an email at

Please prayerfully consider helping us to help these children! Remember,

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…”  James 1:27

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